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Enrique Centelles Echeverría


Enrique was responsible for the development of Venture Capital and Private Equity in Spain when in the late 70s, he assumed the role of director at SEFINNOVA, the first Spanish company dedicated to these sectors.

In the ’80s and ’90s, he was Executive Director of the Grupo de Empresas de Desenvolvimento (7 Private Equity companies) of the National Institute of Industry (currently SEPI – Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales), being simultaneously responsible for the company restructuring office, as well as the Euro Development (Business association of venture capital and regional development companies).

His prestige and recognition of his professional career led him to assume, in the 1990s, the Presidency of the Spanish Venture Capital Association and the Board of Directors of the European Venture Capital Association.

Founder and Chairman of GED since 1996, Enrique leads the management entities of this financial group and all the Funds’ investment committees.



Enrique is passionate about Anthropology and is almost an expert in History of Religions.



  • Business Department, EOI (Madrid)
  • MBA, ESIC, Madrid
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering